Mama Makes Book: Baby Look

  • ₱695.00

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BABY LOOK! It’s your very first book. And you’re going to love it!


This multi-sensory playbook is a book to grow up with through each developmental phase from 8 months up to 2½ years. There is a surprise at every page turn — something to touch, slide, or see — to develop coordination and fine motor skills. The thick board pages and robust mechanisms are designed to withstand enthusiastic handling, and it's a fun way to learn counting, colours, parts of the body, and lots of new vocabulary.


210 x 210mm, board book with 10 pages, including touch-and-feel textures and embossing, a mirror, die-cuts, sliders and a cover wheel


Good for

  • 6 months to2½ years

  • Developing fine motor skills & vocabulary

  • Learning colours, counting, parts of the body, animal sounds, actions, emotions

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