Nature to Nurture Daily Baby Lotion

  • ₱220.00

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About Nature to Nurture Daily Baby Lotion 

Nature to Nurture is a Philippine homegrown brand that inspires, empowers and enables people to live in a world where good health sparks possibilities. Living healthily always starts at home. Bringing little people into this world gave us an ideal of making our homes safer and we believe that to make this a possibility, they had to take matters into our own hands and create our own products.

 Get all the nourishment your baby needs! Hydrate, soften, and smoothen with our natural blend of VCO, sunflower oil, jojoba oil, and avocado oil. All while maintaining the skin’s natural barrier. Makes skin feeling oh so soft and comfortable, thanks to rice starch. Also contains vitamin E making it rich in antioxidants.

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